Monday, February 24, 2014

2/24/14. The post where I like Monday.

2/24/14: lucky roll of the dice! Got a little more sleep last night and woke up at a 7, as accurately guessed by my patient, long-suffering husband.  (He's getting really good at this.)  Maybe not the 6 I was hoping for, but I'll take it.  Good enough to make it through a Monday. 

So far, I have kept up with my PT exercises on my own, but I haven't tried the mirror exercises at home yet.  Maybe tomorrow. Tonight was handbell and grocery store therapy instead.  Even after all that, I am ending the night at about a 7.5.  I think I have finally recovered from the nerve block.  As a friend pointed out tonight, maybe the point of the nerve block is to make me so miserable that the pre-nerve block pain doesn't seem so bad.  If so, mission accomplished.

I continue to read as much as I can about RSD to make sure I'm doing my best to control it.  I've started taking mega-doses of vitamin C, which are thought to help keep the RSD from flaring up after an injury.  As injury-prone as I am, I've decided it can't hurt to take it regularly.  It should protect me from scurvy as well, so I can pursue my dream of becoming a pirate.  And I found some delicious gummy chews - score!

And now, for a weather update.  After multiple days with highs in the 70s, a front is coming that is supposed to bring thunderstorms tomorrow and a high in the upper 40s on Wednesday.  Uh, oh.  I hope Monday is not my favorite day of this week.  Although that would certainly be a first for me. 

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