Monday, March 3, 2014

3/3/14. The post where I have something in common with Ralph Macchio.

3/3/14: it continued to get colder in the night, but I was still feeling okay this morning.  Hung around the 6.5-7 range all night and while I was getting ready for work.  Hey, maybe the cold won't make it worse this time! Maybe between the nerve block and the PT, I'm starting to see some improvement!  Then I got in the car to drive to work.

23 degrees, with a wind chill of 15 degrees.  That may not be impressive to some of you, but I live in a city that regularly has three months in a row of 100+ temperatures so I don't have to deal with sub-freezing temperatures.  And certainly not in March.

By the time I made the ten minute drive to work, I had ramped up to an 8.  Even with socks and cowboy boots in a well-heated office, there was no way to keep my foot warm enough.  At the end of the work day, I was up to 8.5.  So much for my theory.

I went to handbell practice anyway. Trust me, I need all the practice I can get.  Things continued to go downhill and I spent most of the practice doing my best Karate Kid impression.

Playing handbells is hard enough (at least for me) without trying to balance on one foot.  On the plus side, if I ever get into a karate match with the town bully, I will be well-poised to deliver a take-down blow.  

I made it home ahead of the "thundersleet" storm headed our way.  I predict a delayed work start tomorrow.  At least for me.  I'm at a pretty solid 9 and my foot is swollen for the first time in awhile.  I think I'll stay home until it warms up a little. Maybe I'll work more on my Karate Kid crane move while I'm home.  You never know when it might come in handy.

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