I had an interesting phenomenon this morning after I did my PT exercises. Usually when my foot turns red, it starts around my big toe and the ball of my foot. This morning when I took my tennis shoe off, the only place on my foot that was discolored was my fourth toe (aka the little piggy who had none), which was bright magenta. Later, the color spread to the usual spots, but this was a new one on me. Not sure what it means, if anything.
As you know, I've been wearing the same prescription shoes to work most days. After a few shoe fails, I'm trying to be more careful. This morning, I was sick and tired of the black prescription Mary Janes, so I replaced them with...another black pair of May Janes. I owned these before "the troubles" and they used to be my go-to comfortable work shoes. They did not seem to irritate my foot any more than the prescription shoes and it was nice to wear something different, although I suspect no one else could tell the difference. Maybe it's time to go shoe-shopping for something besides black Mary Janes. (Cue my patient, long-suffering husband beating his head against a wall.)
I have driven basically the same route to work for nearly 20 years. This morning, for what I believe is the very first time, I caught every light green and made it to work in 7 minutes. Since it has never happened before, I assumed the lights were set in a way that made it impossible. Now that it has happened once, I don't understand why it hasn't happened more often, and I'm curious to find out if it will happen again. I assure you, though, I do not intend to work another 20 years to find out.
It struck me today that this is the first full week I've spent at home in more than a month. My suitcase finally went back in the closet for awhile, although it comes out again on Monday. It's nice to sleep in my own bed. Or, at least, to lie in my own bed wishing I could sleep.
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