Friday, October 10, 2014

10/10/14. The post where I get ready for some special visitors.

10/10/14: still borrowing my patient, long-suffering husband's car, so I dropped him off at his office, then went to mine.  I'm getting new wallpaper this weekend, so part of the day was spent packing up my office and removing pictures from the walls.  At lunchtime I had my nails done ("OPI Scores a Goal" from their Brazil collection) and ran some errands.  

I heard from the mechanic today and he didn't have a lot of information yet, but he was not optimistic.  He was waiting on a piece of diagnostic equipment and if it came in today, he said he might have more info this weekend.  Luckily for me, my patient, long-suffering husband is good at sharing. I didn't have any time today to start researching vehicles, but I hope to do so next week.  I am already starting to get a steady stream of advice and recommendations from friends and colleagues. 

We had a quick trip out for sushi and then spent the rest of the evening getting the house ready for visitors.  More musicians, you ask?  Good guess, but not this time.  My parents are coming this weekend!  While I always look forward to their visits, this one is really special, because it's their first trip here since Mom got sick.  She's about six weeks removed from her last chemo treatment, and she's gaining back some weight and getting stronger each day, so she's ready to try a little field trip.  We're planning a very quiet casual weekend, full of food and football. I probably won't check again until the end of the weekend, so I will leave you with this advice, which I received today from an RSD support group I follow on Facebook:

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