I slept really well last night...I suspect the hot toddy might have had something to do with it. We spent a lazy morning waiting for the ice to melt. As soon as it did, I went to the grocery store, because we had a big day planned. We have some friends with a teenage daughter who is like a niece to us. She stays with us when her parents are out of town, and hangs out with us periodically even when they are in town. She loves to cook and we planned to spend the day making a big, complicated meal.
When I got to the grocery store, it was clear we weren't the only ones with this idea. It seemed everyone intended to spend the cold, rainy day cooking, so they were all buying exotic ingredients for complicated meals or desserts. It was actually a fun grocery trip, because everyone seemed happy and conspiratorial. Lots of peering into each others' shopping carts with knowing nods.
She and I spent the rest of the afternoon cooking, with my patient, long-suffering husband supervising and helping with the trickiest procedures. Then we invited friends over for dinner and spent a really nice evening eating, drinking, and chatting. I fear for the next generation sometimes, but tonight I felt like they will be okay. At least some of them. My foot was fairly cooperative considering the weather and my activity level, but it is happy to have some rest. The rain continues tomorrow, but it should be 20 degrees warmer, so I am optimistic. And I have lots of yummy leftovers to get me through the day.