At lunch time, I took my patient, long-suffering husband to pick up his car from the body shop, nearly a month after he dropped it off. He was a very happy camper to finally have it back, and it looked as good as the day we bought it. Afterward, I went to the post office to mail a package. It was another beautiful day and I had the top down on my car. This meant that when I parked, I spent some time stowing away items that could be easily stolen and making sure I had my package together and properly addressed. I finally exited the vehicle, but when I tried to lock it, the lock would not engage and I got a warning beep. I made several additional tries, with the same result. My car, like many new vehicles, has a key fob that does not have to be in the ignition switch or in the door lock to work. It just has to be near the vehicle. I decided the battery in the key fob must be dead, which was highly annoying since I had just replaced it a month ago. I didn't see any shady characters lurking around and I had stowed all my valuables, so I went in without locking the door.
I took care of my business in the post office and returned to my car about 15 minutes later. As I got near the car, I could hear a strange humming sound. I stood there for a moment trying to figure out what it could be, when suddenly it hit me. Holy senior moment, Batman...the engine was running! In all of my fiddling with things in the parking lot, I failed to kill the ignition and didn't notice because I did not have to remove the key from the ignition switch. The car tried to warn me, but I didn't understand it. ("What, Lassie? Timmy fell down the well?")
So, to recap...I left my car in the post office parking lot for 15 minutes with the top down, the doors unlocked, and the engine running. Fortunately for me, the car will not move without the key fob in close proximity (don't ask me how I know that), so even if there were any shady characters lurking around, I don't think they could have driven away in it. It's a good thing my car is smarter than I am. I'd love to blame it on me being a pint or two low on blood, but I just wasn't paying attention.
While I didn't have a very good brain day, I had a great foot day. After a few days in a row of warm, sunny weather, I'm back down to a 3. It's supposed to be about 20 degrees cooler tomorrow, but I'm hoping that won't be enough of a change to cause an issue. Because if I'm this absent-minded at a 3, I fear for the safety of my car when I'm at a 6.
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