Wednesday, July 6, 2016

7/6/16. The post where I tell you about an interesting coincidence.

7/6/16: went to the orthopedist today. After two and a half weeks, my ankle hadn't healed as much as I had hoped it would and my patient, long-suffering husband gently encouraged me to make an appointment.  And by "gently encouraged", I mean "incessantly nagged until he wore down my resistance."  The good news? The orthopedist was not too concerned.  Since an MRI was not an option, he poked and prodded my ankle and determined based on my reactions (which I am proud to say did not include cursing or slapping him, although I wanted to) that the sprain was most likely to my ATFL. Which is the anterior talofibular ligament. Obviously.  He was also very familiar with RSD and felt like the best strategy was to strengthen my ankle in hopes of avoiding additional injuries in the future. So, off I go to physical therapy tomorrow to learn some strengthening exercises.  The bad news? He told me it could take up to four more weeks to heal.  Guess I should get used to wearing the air cast and flip-flops for the near future.

The Tour de France started a few days ago, and since I am a glutton for punishment, I am watching it wistfully, remembering my cycling days.  Apparently I have not been watching it closely enough, though, because only today (stage 5) did I realize Fabian Cancellera is in the race. Why is that important, you ask? Because he was supposed to retire last year.  Until he had a terrible accident in the Tour de France and withdrew from the race with two broken vertebrae. (I chronicled the sad story last year in my 7/7/15 blog.)  After his recovery, he decided to hang around for one more year and he is the captain of his team for the 2016 tour.  

As I read last year's blog, I was amazed by the coincidence.  Last year at this time I was recovering from a strained trapezoid muscle, watching the Tour de France, and being inspired by Fabian Cancellera.  This year, I am recovering from a sprained ATF ligament, watching the Tour de France, and being inspired by Fabian Cancellera.  I hope the coincidence ends there.  He may not win, but I hope he finishes the race.  I won't know for another 18 days. At least the suspense will keep me occupied while I heal.

With any luck, this time next year he will be happily retired after a successful final race season and I will not be recovering from anything.  Stay tuned...

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