January 21, 2014: not too much to report today. Slept through my alarm again. This is totally unlike me, so I'll blame it on the Lyrica. Woke up with my foot a little swollen, but not feeling too bad. I'd give it a 6. I suspect my foot may be trying to fool me on the day before my next doctor's appointment. Kind of like when you have a great hair day on the day you are scheduled to get it cut. Nice try, foot. I'm onto you.
Went through the now-familiar complex algorithm of matching a set of clothes that still fit me with a pair of shoes I can tolerate wearing. The pickings are getting mighty slim. That reminds me, I need to call the muumuu maker and check on my order...
Made it through another day at the office, with a break at lunch for a manicure, which is always a happy experience. (OPI's "I Knead Sourdough" from the San Francisco collection, in case you are wondering.) The pain and swelling got progressively worse as the day progressed, but nothing unmanageable so far. This evening it is up to about a 7, which seems pretty good after the weekend.
I'm trying to get my thoughts together for my appointment tomorrow. The only positive change I've noticed is the change in the color of my foot from purple and black to red. (I guess I don't even know if that's a positive, but it sure seems like it to me.) Negative changes: drowsiness, blurred vision, weight gain, foot swelling. No appreciable change in pain level - I still have good days and bad days, and in my (decidedly unscientific) scale of measurement, the number still fluctuates between 6-9. I have no idea whether any of these things are the result of the medication, the disorder itself, or walking again after being off my foot for three months. Good thing I'm not a doctor.
In addition to my appointment, I also have my first physical therapy appointment tomorrow. I'm hoping they'll clear me to start doing some workout activities. I have a lot of clothes that need to be worn! Think good thoughts for me tomorrow.
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