While getting ready for work this morning, I thought of a dress I wanted to wear for Easter. I realized I had not seen it when making the big spring clothes shift in my closet last weekend. It must be in the dry cleaning pile. I'd better get it to the dry cleaners so I can get it back in time for Easter. So I searched the dry cleaning pile. No luck. Then I realized I was actually missing several spring dresses. And two sweaters. Uh, oh. Did I lose an entire order at the dry cleaners? I could not rest until I had unraveled the mystery of the missing clothes. Nancy Drew, eat your heart out.
A frantic search of the guest closet turned up no spring dresses, but I did find the two sweaters. Back to our closet, where I noticed my patient, long-suffering husband had a lot of dry cleaning bags on his side. Score! I found most of the spring dresses, as well as a suit, several pairs of Capri pants, and a few skirts I had purchased late last summer and didn't even realize were missing. The only thing I didn't find was the original dress I wanted to wear for Easter. Bummer.
At this point, I realized I'd better dress for work if I had any hope of being on time. The detective work would have to wait. So I turned back to my side of the closet to pick out some work clothes. And found the dress that started the whole hide and go seek episode, exactly where it should be. I was slightly annoyed by the whole exercise, until I realized I had just gained about 8 spring outfits and now had a clothing plan for Easter. Just like shopping, only better, because it didn't cost anything. And I still made it to work on time.
The rest of the day was good and I had a lovely dinner outside on a deck with my patient, long-suffering husband and his family. I love spring. My foot is pretty unhappy tonight, as usual, but the rest of me is happy. And as of tonight, I can account for all my clothes. If only the mystery of RSD were as easy to resolve...
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