It won't surprise you to know that I have an app on my iPad where I can make and store to-do lists, and I have been working on a pre-vacation list. There is only one problem - I keep adding more things to the list than I am removing. I had a minor panic attack this morning when I reviewed the list and saw all the things left to do. I resolved to start taking care of business.
I went to my credit union with a sticky note full of transactions to be completed, to make sure I didn't forget anything. I think it would have been simpler to arrange a hostile takeover. I got about two-thirds of the list accomplished. The other third was beyond the capability of my tiny credit union. I knew things weren't going to go well when the teller, someone I've known for years and adore, asked me, "Is Europe considered a foreign country?" Sigh. You'll be glad to know that her math skills are far superior to her geography skills.
So, didn't get quite as much accomplished as I'd hoped today. There are still about four days' worth of things to do. And let's see...we leave in...three days. What could possibly go wrong?
Tonight was our last evening obligation, an end-of-season event with the handbell group. We spent the first part of the evening carefully polishing the bells and putting them away for the summer. (Yes, we bell-ringers are party animals.) Then we went out for dinner and fellowship. In case you are wondering, "fellowship" means adult beverages. Unfortunately, I came home with my foot red and irritated, creeping up to a 6. It's early to bed tonight ("early" being relative, of course) to try to calm it back down. No time for angry feet. I have to run around like a maniac for a few more days so I can relax on my vacation.
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