Once I got involved in catching up with my work, things seemed to quiet down. Or maybe I just remembered again how to shut it out. I was pleased to find that no major catastrophes had occurred in my absence. After one day back, I can proclaim myself "basically" caught up. Meaning that I know what I have left to do and I don't think there are any evil surprises lurking in the shadows.
After work we made a trip to the grocery store, where we did our best not to grouse about the quality of the produce or the crowds. Time to hop back on the diet wagon. We collected a cart full of healthy, sensible items and made our escape as soon as possible.
After a combination of jet lag, the after-effects of extended periods stuck in airplane seats, and a day back in the office sitting at our desks, we were both a little worse for wear this evening. I was back up to a 6 by late afternoon and hovered there all evening, while my patient, long-suffering husband's back was in the worst shape it's been for nearly a month. No nap today, which I hope will make it easier to sleep through the night.
A couple of additional jolts to remind us we are no longer on vacation: the cooling unit in our wine cellar went out and our upstairs air conditioning unit appears to be on its way out as well. (Yes, I know - again with the First World problems.) Good news on the wine cellar front. The cooling unit was under warranty and they are sending a new one tomorrow, which we hope to have installed before we ruin a cellar full of wine. We are still in denial on the upstairs AC, hoping if we ignore it, it will magically start cooling better. And who knows? Maybe it will. After three weeks set at a much higher temperature, maybe it just needs a little time.
I hope that's the case, because another new AC unit doesn't fit into the plan. We are working on a post-vacation financial austerity plan that will rival anything the European Union can cook up. Another good incentive to diet, I guess. I can't afford to buy bigger clothes, so I need to concentrate on fitting into the ones I already own.
Early to bed tonight. Hoping some rest will make tomorrow easier. Otherwise, we might just have to pack a credit card and toothbrush and head back over the Atlantic again. Although I'm not sure panhandling on the beach will be as relaxing as our vacation was.
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