Monday, December 8, 2014

12/8/14. The post where another family member tries to get healthy.

12/8/14: the alarm went off way too early this morning.  I managed to take my morning walk (which was more like a stumble) and then went to work while my patient, long-suffering husband took the last of our visiting musicians to the airport.  If my work day had been the slightest bit more complicated, I would not have been up to it.  

I spent much of the morning in contact via text message with my family because my brother had back surgery.  Yep, another family member, another hospital visit.  Too bad hospitals don't give family discounts.  All went well and he is recuperating nicely.  By the end of the year, my family should be super-human.  

I got home from work to find my patient, long-suffering husband sitting in a catatonic trance in his comfy chair.  I made a very simple meal, our first home-cooked meal in...well, I can't remember when.  We managed to get it together enough to go to handbell practice.  Afterward, I spent some time talking to my brother, who called me from his hospital room after the rest of the family left.  I'm fairly certain he won't remember most of our conversation, but I enjoyed it anyway.  Plus, I have blackmail material for years.  

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