I had a dentist appointment to have my teeth cleaned at lunch time today. As they always do, they asked if I have had any medical changes since the last time they saw me, and this time I had a pretty exciting answer. The hygienist and dentist were both very interested in hearing about the stimulator and its effectiveness. Then the hygienist asked if it was okay for me to have an x-ray. And I totally panicked for a moment, because I couldn't remember. I didn't recall anyone saying I couldn't, but I didn't want to screw anything up, either. So I turned off the stimulator, just as a precautionary measure. And turned it right back on as soon as the x-rays were done. It wasn't off long enough for my foot to notice...at least I hope not. I guess I should verify the whole x-ray thing.
This evening I went back to my acting class. Tonight they were filming scenes they'd been working on before I started, so other than warmups, I was still just a spectator. It was very interesting, but I had spent much of the day wondering if these classes were a wise expenditure of my increasingly rare free time. Especially on a night like tonight, where I was worn out from the previous week, way backed up on chores, and would be sitting for three plus hours with plenty of time to think about what I should be doing instead.
And guess what the big takeaway was from tonight's class? That acting, especially film acting, is all about patience. Patience while waiting to film, patience while filming the same scene multiple times. The coach had quite a bit to say about acting and patience, and it dawned on me that this would in fact be a very wise expenditure of my time. Sometimes the universe aligns.
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