Saturday, March 14, 2015

3/14/15. The post where I rest a lot.

3/14/15:  on Friday, my jaw pain and headache continued to get worse, so I went back to the doctor. This time I was able to see my primary care physician.  After more poking, prodding, and motor skill tests, he determined that the muscles surrounding my jaw had completely tightened up.  I've had issues with my TMJ my entire adult life, so it doesn't surprise me.  He agreed with me that icing it was not a good idea because of the CRPS.  He suggested increasing my anti inflammatory intake and using a warm compress instead.  He also prescribed a muscle relaxant and a few days of rest.  He was a lot more specific about what he meant by "rest" and it was definitely not what I had been doing the last few days.  He told me to contact him if it wasn't feeling better after a few days and he would prescribe some physical therapy to try to loosen up the muscles.  Which doesn't sound particularly appealing, so I hope it doesn't come to that.

I cancelled most of my weekend plans, but months ago I had invited a few work colleagues over for drinks after work and finding a date we were all free had been difficult enough, so I didn't want to cancel it.  I left the doctor's office and picked up a few items at the grocery store while I waited for my prescription order to be filled.  When I picked up the prescription, the pharmacist gave me the details on the muscle relaxant. She warned me it would make me sleepy and light-headed.  She also added, while looking at my cart of groceries, that the best thing I could do is rest, to give my body time to make the needed repairs.  I think she, my doctor, and my patient, long-suffering husband are in cahoots.

After my colleagues left last night, I took my first muscle relaxant.  And everything has been a blur since then.  My doctor did a pretty good job of ensuring I get the kind of rest he wants me to have by his choice of muscle relaxant.  I have slept for a majority of the last 24 hours and when I have been awake, I've been in a stupor. (So forgive any typos or crazy talk, please.)  I don't think my jaw feels any better yet, but I certainly don't care about it as much.  I have a few church obligations in the morning that require me to be able to drive and do math, so I will postpone taking my medicine until I get home.  But then I will try to get some more rest so I can be back in the groove next week.  My foot has felt pretty good the last few days, and while it is probably a result of the warmer spring weather, I'd like to think it is being respectful of the fact that I have other issues right now.  Yeah, is probably the weather.

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