Sunday, March 22, 2015

3/22/15. The post where the sun finally shows itself.

3/22/15: the sun beat my patient, long-suffering husband home by a full day.   And it made for a beautiful day. I was able to take a long walk this morning and then sing in church. Thankfully, it was a short anthem.  While my jaw is feeling a lot better, it will take awhile to completely heal.  After church I had a delicious brunch with a friend.  And then, for the first time all week, I had a free calendar all afternoon.  It felt so decadent.  I did a few chores, caught up on mail, emails, and phone calls, and then sat out on the patio with a glass of wine and enjoyed the sunset.  And just in case you are wondering, while I was AWOL from my blog earlier this week I got a manicure.  "This Color's Making Waves" from the OPI Hawaii Collection.  The perfect way to welcome spring.

The warmer weather has made a big difference with my foot, and the end of the rain has helped even more.  Most of the day it felt great.  I had a little incident tonight, though, that reminded me of how the new "normal" works.  I was walking around the house barefoot and stubbed my right big toe on the corner of a piece of furniture. Granted, I stubbed it hard enough to draw a little blood and make a small tear in the nail.  But if it had been my left foot, it would have stung for a few minutes and that would have been the end of it.  

My right foot? A whole different story.  It always insists on being dramatic, turning everything into an epic struggle between good and evil.  All of my toes swelled up and turned red and splotchy, and the veins on the top of my foot nearly popped out of my skin.  I assure you, this reaction was completely unwarranted and I tried to shame it, rolling my eyes and saying, "Really???  Come on.  Grow up. It didn't hurt that much."  (The good thing about being alone in the house is that you can talk out loud to your foot if you want.)  But it refused to cooperate until I finally agreed to go to bed and prop it up on a pillow.  I feel like my foot is in its Terrible Twos. I hope this is just a phase.

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