Thursday, July 30, 2015

7/30/15. The post where I spread myself too thin.

7/30/15: yes, I know, the title of this post could apply to just about any day of my life.  But this week was classic Valerie.  Here's what I've been up to since I last posted:

Monday - work, rehearsal for acting class

Tuesday - work, happy hour (to see friends who are on a brief visit back to town after moving to Germany about a year ago), acting class

Wednesday - out of town all day on business (four hours of driving, six hours of meetings), back home just in time for a late night video shoot for our music series

Thursday - work, grocery shopping, cooking and prep work for a party we are having tomorrow

Yes, I know, other than work, all the busyness is self-imposed.  And yes, I know, the first step on the road to recovery is admitting you have a problem.  I'm a pro at the first step, I just never seem to make it to the second step, whatever that is.  While I firmly believe all this activity didn't cause my most recent flare-up (because I was also this busy while I was feeling well), I'm sure it isn't helping, either.  

Nor is the lack of sleep.  I haven't managed to spend enough time in my bed this week, but more annoyingly, the time I have spent in bed hasn't been very productive.  Right now, the freeway near our home sounds a construction zone, is a construction zone.  In theory, I appreciate them doing the work in the middle of the night to lessen the impact on traffic, but since I don't travel on the freeway during rush hour, it doesn't really benefit me. I feel like I'm taking one (or five) for the team. You're welcome.

I've tried three or four different stimulator programs this week and none of them have matched the magic program.  Less pain relief, more irritating vibration patterns.  Not a winning combination.  Still, I held it together pretty well for most of the week.  Tonight was the worst I have felt in a long while, and unfortunately, it was both feet.  I'm hoping they will feel better tomorrow.  All I have to do is work half a day.  Oh, and entertain about 60 people.  No worries - I've got this.

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