My patient, long-suffering husband is away on business for a couple of days and, as I always do when he is gone, I tried to make the time pass quickly by planning a lot of activities. I am way behind on chores, so today I made a mental list of all the things I would accomplish this evening after work. I got home and checked the first thing off my list. Then I carefully considered what chore to do next...and decided to have a glass of wine and watch some baseball instead.
Soon, it was dinner time. I've been back on my healthy eating regime for most of the week and had planned to make something sensible for dinner. So I can't explain why I decided to spend the evening snacking on leftovers. Most of which may or may not have been past their expiration dates. In my defense, one of the chores on my list was "clean out the refrigerator." Mission accomplished.
As I mentioned earlier, HAL has been overworked the last couple of weeks. To the point that I have started getting some pretty serious cramps in my calf, which is a new and rather unpleasant sensation. It struck me that I had no obligations tomorrow and I was feeling brave, so I decided to give HAL a break and turn it off completely. Which was a great idea. For about five minutes. After an hour, I gave up on the experiment and turned it back on at about half the amplitude. While it is helpful to turn it off periodically so I can check my progress, in retrospect I think I should have stuck with the calf cramping.
I have a four year old nephew whose amazing parents have taught him to communicate on a very high level. When things go awry for him, as they inevitably do when you are four years old, his go-to response is that "perhaps he made a bad decision." As I contemplate my Saturday, which is likely to be filled with foot pain that could have been avoided, undone chores, and food poisoning, all I can think least he comes by his decision-making skills honestly.
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