Which doesn't mean everything has been perfect. It has been really hot the last few weeks. And while hot weather is better on my foot than cold weather, it has also been humid. Like, I-Love-Lucy-in-the-steam-cabinet humid. And my foot hates hot, humid weather. Know what else it hates? Grocery stores. I have no idea why, but walking in the grocery store will trigger a flare up in a heart beat. And Friday afternoon was a perfect storm.
After work, I got into my steam cabinet...I mean, car and drove to the grocery store. Even though I qualified for the "10 items or less" line, it was enough to send my foot into a small tantrum. While I waited in line, I decided to take a photo for scientific/medical purposes.
Note to self - don't take photos of your feet in the grocery store. Unbeknownst to me, the man in front of me noticed what I was doing and suddenly he was examining my foot. "Wow, that looks bad. Are you okay?" I was mortified and it took me a second to think up a response. Which consisted of a sheepish grin and a "Yes, sorry, I just have a medical issue and I have to take photos to update my doctor." To which he responded, "No worries. These days people do all kinds of things - you could have a website or something and just be showing off your feet to your fans." And I immediately thought, "Well that wasn't my plan, but now that you mention it, this would make a good post." But I decided that was more information than he wanted to know, and he'd already had to look closely at my feet in a place where you purchase food. Instead, we exchanged a few pleasantries and went our separate ways.
So, thanks to my accidental muse, you now have to look at a picture of my foot. If you don't like it, you can thank the random grocery store guy.
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