I am still quite sore from the procedure, but less so than yesterday. A few more days ought to do it. And my foot is still vastly improved. The only time it got over a 2 today was when I unplugged the stimulator while I took a (sponge) bath. It amped up to a 4 within about ten minutes, but compared to potentially electrocuting myself, I decided it was a good trade. Once I plugged it back in, my foot improved immediately. I also took a two-mile walk this morning. It was slow going, but because of my sore back rather than my foot. Another good sign.
Those of you who know me know I am a rule follower. To the point of absurdity, if you listen to my patient, long-suffering husband and my family. But the rules associated with this trial are getting ridiculous, even for me. Here's a list of all the rules I'm trying to follow this week. (This is mostly for my benefit to help me remember, but I thought you might enjoy it as well.)
Because of the temporary placement of the wires and device:
- no showers or otherwise getting the dressing wet
- no stairs
- no twisting, bending, or stretching
- no lifting more than 5 lbs
- antibiotics twice a day (more on that below)
Because of the nature of the device itself:
- no driving while it is turned on
- turn down volume when changing positions (standing to sitting, sitting to lying down, etc.)
- no going through metal detectors or anti-theft devices while it is turned on
Because of the antibiotics:
- take with food because it causes nausea (as if I take any prescription meds that don't make me nauseous - it's like my Kryptonite), but the food had better not contain dairy, because
- no dairy for one hour before or two hours after taking it
- no antacids or vitamins two hours before or after taking it
- take it no less than 30 minutes before bed
- stay out of sunlight
There may be others that I've forgotten. I'm doing my best to keep up with them, but I'm sure I'm making mistakes left and right, with no ill effects so far. By the end of the trial, I may turn into a scofflaw. The next thing you know, I'll be wearing white after Labor Day and turning left on a double yellow line.
I took it easy much of the day and we had a nice dinner out to catch up with some dear friends. But don't worry, I didn't have dairy. I had an antibiotic to take, you know. Here's a picture of the stimulator. (The permanent device that would be implanted is much smaller, thank goodness.) All I need is a cassette tape with the greatest hits of the '80s and a pair of huge headphones and I'm ready for a jog.
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