Sunday, July 27, 2014

7/27/14. The post where we have a pop-up party,

7/27/14: today started like a normal Sunday.  My patient, long-suffering husband left early for work and I joined him later. I felt horrible and did not want to get out of bed, but after much discussion, my foot finally agreed and we decided to face the day.  Lots of chores and then church and lunch with family.

Our plan was to run errands and do some more chores this afternoon and then go to our friends' house for a party to watch the final stage of the Tour de France.  Two hours before the party, we got a phone call.  Their air conditioning was out, so no more party, at least at their home.  We did not hesitate.  We told them to bring the party to our place.  

Two hours later, we had a house full of food and friends, without any work on our part.  As long as there was going to be a party, we took the opportunity to invite our friends who live down the street.  A fine time was had by all and we got to introduce a bunch of nice people to each other.

Moral of the story? Always have a pop-up party when the opportunity presents itself.  You can do chores anytime.  At the end of your life, it is unlikely that you will say, "I wish I had worked more and spent less time with friends and family."  So have fun any time you can.  You won't regret it.  No matter how much your foot hurts.

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