Last night, I noticed I was feeling a little lightheaded. When I got to work this morning, I was still dizzy and it got worse as the day progressed. After calling my medical device contact to be sure it could not be an effect of the stimulator, I decided it was probably the antibiotic and left a message for my doctor. I heard back from him later in the afternoon verifying that it was likely a result of the antibiotic. Since I only have two days left of the trial (time flies when you're having fun) and I don't have any sign of infection, he told me to discontinue taking it.
Darn. I so enjoyed taking a pill as big as my thumb twice a day. Having to plan my dairy and vitamin intake around them and avoid being out in the sunlight was also a joy. The nausea and dizziness were just an added bonus. But I guess I should listen to my doctor.
My patient, long-suffering husband is going through his own medical tribulation right now with a herniated disk in his lower back. He started physical therapy this morning, just in time to get on a plane tomorrow morning for a few days of music lessons with his long-time teacher. He's left me in good hands, with a few friends to provide assistance until the end of the stimulator trial. I just hope he is in good hands as well. At this rate, we are going to need a full-time caretaker before the year is out. Know anyone who works cheap? And by "cheap", I mean free.
In the good news department, the stimulator still seems to be working on my foot. Today was my first "normal" work day and I made it through the entire day without any major issues (other than being dizzy). I have noticed that I am changing the amplitude and programs a little more each day, which I guess is the point of having all the options. And I am on battery number three. The permanent device works differently, so they assure me I won't spend the rest of my life changing batteries every other day. Although I guess it would be a small price to pay. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to eat a piece of cheese and take a bunch of vitamins to celebrate the end of the antibiotics.
Well, as Roseanne Roseannadanna says "Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something—if it ain't one thing, it's another."