Sunday, August 10, 2014

8/10/14. The post where my patient, long-suffering husband looks for the light at the end of his tunnel.

8/10/14: another night of tossing and turning - 39 times.  I may have tried to explain this before, but there is a difference (at least to me) between pain level and irritation factor.  I wouldn't say I got over a 5 any time in the night or today.  But the 5 was more difficult to ignore than it is most of the time, like a piece of gravel in your shoe or a fly buzzing around your face.  I am back to being unable to sleep if anything is touching my foot, which explains the 39 tosses and turns, I guess.  

Church and chores this morning, and then helping my patient, long-suffering husband pack this afternoon. His surgeon is not available for two weeks, so he is off to his former hometown (three hours from here) with his dad for an appointment early tomorrow morning with a surgeon his parents recommended.  I know what you are all thinking.  Wasn't there another reasonable alternative in the area?  Probably.  But this is the opportunity that presented itself.  I know what it's like to be in constant pain and desperate for an answer, so I'm not going to judge.  I hope he gets an answer that will provide immediate relief.  But even if he doesn't, at least he'll know he didn't leave any stone unturned.

His trip left me with no date for a show we were going to attend tonight.  Fortunately, I have good friends who are always willing to stand in and I was able to get an extra ticket.  They invited me over for show-themed drinks beforehand and we had a great time, although I was sorry my patient, long-suffering husband had to miss it.  

One last bit of (good) news: I think my vertigo is gone!  I hate to speak too soon, but I only had a few episodes yesterday and I don't recall having any today.  Whew.  That's one malfunction down, just a few more to go.  Here's hoping we have a lot more good news this week.

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