Remember when the antibiotics I was taking during my stimulator trial made me dizzy and light-headed and the doctor told me to quit taking them? Well, I did quit taking them, but the dizziness didn't go away. And didn't go away. And didn't go away. I went to the doctor Friday morning. After some blood tests to ensure there were no metabolic issues, he diagnosed me with vertigo. This was not exactly a surprise, as I have had periodic bouts for many years. It's not as glamorous (or as scary) as you'd think from watching the Alfred Hitchcock movie.
Here's a little medical info for those who have a burning desire to know more about vertigo. Here's the Cliff's Notes version for the rest of you: there are crystals in your inner ear that monitor movement. If the crystals become dislodged, they can move into your ear canal and make you a lot more sensitive to motion. In most cases, they eventually return to your inner ear on their own and if not, there is a maneuver that can be done by a physical therapist to encourage them. I've never had to go that route - in my case, it has always gone away on its own. Until it does, I am taking medication for the dizziness, although it makes me drowsy so I only take it at night.
But dizziness is not why I went to the doctor on Friday. I went for the bump on my head. For as long as I can remember (notice a theme emerging?), I've had a very small cyst on the side of my head. Nothing noticeable or of medical concern, so my doctor told me long ago that it did not need attention. But over the last month it has started growing and become tender when touched. When it rains, it pours. When my doctor examined it, he said it was red and appeared to be infected, or at least irritated. So in addition to the prescription for vertigo, I have an antibiotic prescription (which I will finish this time) and a referral to a dermatologist. The good news is that I had all kinds of blood tests and the results looked great, so none of these things are serious. Just annoying.
If you're looking for me, I should be easy to find. I'll be the one with the ghastly bump on the side of my head, limping and lurching from side to side. Somehow, I doubt Kim Novak will be playing me in a movie anytime soon.
More like Boris Karloff.
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