That wasn't my only issue. Recently, the pain in my foot has started to spread. It used to be contained to my big toe, the ball of my foot, and the outside of my ankle. Now it has spread to all my toes, the inside of my ankle, and up my lower leg. The pain level isn't any worse, but it covers more real estate.
Nevertheless, I tried to take a short, slow walk. It was another unusually cool morning and I thought it might make me feel better. It didn't. Between the dizziness and the foot pain, I was having trouble thinking clearly, but I finally had the sense to cut the walk short and headed home. Just before I got to the house, I turned my head to the side to look at something and nearly fell down. I guess going home was a good idea.
I took my vertigo medication and slept most of the day. I did manage to get up and go with my patient, long-suffering husband to his local surgeon appointment, where we got the good news that he could do the surgery here next Thursday. Rather than a discectomy, he is going to do a foraminotomy. To save you the trouble of looking it up, I'll just tell you it's a procedure where they remove some bone to widen the nerve passageway. It is less intrusive than a discectomy, with a shorter and easier recovery. The surgeon feels confident this will free up the nerve and resolve the issue.
I also slept most of the evening. My medication has worn off and it appears the vertigo is gone, at least for today. I will get up in the morning and try again. I will also contact my doctor's office for a referral to a PT to try to resolve my vertigo, since it does not appear to be going away on its own this time. I've got a week to get myself in good enough shape to get my patient, long-suffering husband through his procedure. Then it's his turn.
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