Wednesday, September 10, 2014

9/10/14. The post where I hope I'm turning the corner, I must say.

V9/10/14: my luck ran out on sleep last night.  Between the cocktail of prescriptions and the placement of my incisions, I could not get comfortable mentally or physically.  It was a very long night.  I decided to spend the morning in bed, partly to try to catch up on sleep, and partly because lying down is much more comfortable than sitting.  I did a lot of catching up on emails and news, but not much sleeping.

I finally got moving around lunch time.  I got to remove my dressings today, which was a blessing and a curse.  It felt wonderful to have the dressings off, especially the one that went straight down my backside, but I could have done without seeing the incisions.  (Let's just say it didn't help my nausea any.)  I also got to take the best shower I've had in almost a week and things started to look up.  

I had a nice, calm afternoon with my friend's dog.  No unauthorized runs today, just napping (him) and reading (me).  After work, some colleagues brought over snacks and we had a nice, relaxed evening catching up.  While I felt rotten this morning, by the end of the day I felt like I was improving.  Of course, that's how the last few days have gone, so I will try not to get too excited. I have a post-op appointment tomorrow morning and we'll see if my incisions make my doctor nauseous, too. I'm guessing the answer is no.  (At least, I'm hoping the answer is no.)

My family's recent run of good medical results continues.  My aunt had knee replacement surgery today and by all accounts, it went well.  I'm having trouble naming a member of my family who hasn't had medical issues in 2014, but so far we all appear to be moving in the right direction.  I am hoping this bodes well for 2015.

I am still having to hold my arm in a strange position to keep it away from my bruise and I have finally figured out what I look like. Some of you will recognize this, and I hope the rest of you will still enjoy it, I must say.

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