Thursday, September 25, 2014

9/25/14. The post where I count my blessings.

9/25/14:  stayed up too late again last night, but again it was my own fault.  Another good walk this morning.  This cooler weather came at exactly the right time. At the end of the work day, I had an appointment to have my nails done.  On my toes - "Green on the Runway" from the OPI Coca Cola collection.  (Think Sprite can.)  On my fingers - "Brisbane Bronze" from the OPI Australian collection.  (Think shiny penny.)  I can't describe how wonderful it felt to have a pedicure when my foot didn't hurt.  I was practically giddy during my appointment today.  As my very sweet manicurist said, "This is the real you.  I remember you."  

We spent much of the evening visiting friends and I was still giddy.  As I have gone through this journey over the last year and a half, I felt like I was acting fairly normal and getting through it without letting it affect me too much.  But now that I am feeling better, it is obvious (at least to me) that I was sleepwalking, barely getting by.  I am able to live in the moment again and concentrate on my surroundings.  And it feels amazing.  I hope everyone around me can see the difference, too. You deserve it, after what you have put up with from me lately.  

I read an article yesterday about someone with CRPS who hasn't been as fortunate as me.  I decided not to share the article with you, because frankly, it was scary and depressing.  It reminded me that the stimulator is not a cure and I don't know how long the pain relief will last.  All I can do is appreciate feeling good now and make the most of it for as long as it works, which I hope will be a very long time. And I am certainly making the most of it.  I remembered to take a picture today.

Every day this week has been like Christmas while picking out shoes.  Today was especially so, because I found a pair I didn't even recall I owned.  I am not exaggerating when I say that I squealed when I saw them.  I am easily amused. 

I have almost made it through a full week of work, which I was not expecting.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to a little rest this weekend, but I wouldn't have traded this normal week for anything.

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