Monday, September 22, 2014

9/22/14. The post where things start to get back to normal.

9/22/14: a little more detail on yesterday.  It was the most active day I've had in some time.  I sold concert tickets after both church services, went home to finish up food preparation for the reception, then went back to church to get ready for the concert.  My patient, long-suffering husband played beautifully, as always, and everyone enjoyed the concert.  

I left a little early to get things ready for the party before the guests arrived.  Fortunately, I had a lot of help from several of my closest friends, or as they called themselves, my minions.  We were a well-oiled machine and everything was perfect by the time the musicians walked in the door.  But the minions didn't stop there.  I had friends bringing delicious appetizers, opening wine bottles, passing food around to other guests, refilling drinks, and washing dishes.  I was really overwhelmed.  At the end of the evening, we were left with a clean house, a refrigerator full of carefully packed leftovers, and a basket full of clean laundry.  (A little back story - several nights ago, some friends brought us homemade hot fudge and sundae fixings and took away a basket full of dirty laundry. Best trade ever for us, worst trade ever for them.)  I'd better get started on my thank you notes.

I went back to work today.  The toughest part was sitting at my desk for extended periods, so I tried to get up and walk around as much as possible.  I was relieved to find that the office was still there and nothing had spiraled completely out of control.  I did not expect to be able to work a full day, but I did.  And I went to handbell practice, even if it wasn't my best showing.  A late dinner and the world's tiniest hot fudge sundae (I'm supposed to be dieting, after all), then it was time for bed.  It felt every bit like the long day that it was, but my foot was none the worse for wear.  Oh yeah, and this happened today.

I am going to take a short walk in the morning before work.  I have really missed my walks and I'm looking forward to getting back to them.  I'm still probably a month from getting on the bike, but at least I can see it on the horizon.  Thanks to all the help from my wonderful friends, I am feeling much better and things seem like they are starting to get back to normal.  Although they called themselves my minions, I assure you they are nothing like this.  It was much more like this.

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