Thursday, January 1, 2015

12/31/14. The New Year's Eve post.

12/31/14: today was an unexpected cold, rainy day, but we still enjoyed it.  A lazy day spent watching football and peeling and drying citrus.  Just like every family, right?

We had a fantastic celebration tonight.  Dinner at a lovely restaurant overlooking the city and dancing afterward at the club below the restaurant.  If you had told me nine months ago, or even two months ago, that I would spend a wonderful New Year's Eve with my patient, long-suffering husband, my parents, and my parents-by-love, with everyone in (relatively) good health...well...that would have been good information to know.  It was a great night.

And now that I've had some time to reflect over the past year, I have special messages for 2014 and 2015. (You are welcome to listen in if you'd like.)

Dear 2014:

SCREW YOU!!!!  You tried to hurt me and my family.  It was a rough year for all of us, physically and emotionally, and we are all at different stages on our personal roads to recovery, but guess what?  You are gone and we are all still here.  In fact, thanks to my precious niece, my family is ending the year with a net gain of one. So there. 

You also tried to break all my stuff. (Now that I think about it, you actually did a pretty good job of breaking all my stuff.)  But guess what?  It's just stuff.  And I have replaced it with new stuff.  Some day, I may even finish paying for all the new stuff.  But even if I hadn't been able to replace it, it wouldn't have mattered.  Stuff isn't important.  Having family and friends I love, and who love me, is important.  And you can never take that away.

Dear 2015:

Let 2014 be a cautionary tale. It threw everything it had at our family, but we didn't give up, and we won.  You are only here for a year, so you might as well make it easy on yourself.  Things will go a lot more smoothly for you if you will just be cool and let us live our lives.  That is all.

Thanks to all of you for playing along with me over the last year.  I wish you a happy 2015 and I hope it brings joy, peace, and good health.  I think I have scared it sufficiently to keep it from messing with you or me.

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