I had a calendar full of meetings and projects, so my work day went quickly. And in a rare occurrence, I spent most of the day helping colleagues keep from getting into trouble instead of trying to get them out of trouble, so it was particularly satisfying. I came home after work to meet up with our musical house guests, who have been colleagues of my patient, long-suffering husband for many years. Since he and I met later in life, it is always fascinating to talk with people who have known him for a long time. We went out for a nice dinner at our favorite local restaurant, where we met up with some good friends who are keeping another one of the visiting musicians. It was a really nice evening, but I couldn't help but feel for my patient, long-suffering husband. I can't imagine going to my favorite restaurant and having nothing but sparkling water while all my dinner companions rave about their wonderful meals and wine. He has become quite the zen master in the last few weeks.
By the end of the evening, my foot was a bit of a mess, but for the most part, I felt pretty good all day considering the 30 degree temperature drop. Today was a good day. Tomorrow will be just as cool, but also quite rainy. (And yes, "rainy" is a word. I think.) I'm hoping another decent night of sleep will keep me feeling good through a long and busy day tomorrow.
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