Monday, November 10, 2014

11/10/14. The post where I learn another thing about my car.

11/10/14: Monday mornings are always hectic.  Packing breakfasts and lunches for the week, last minute straightening before the cleaners come (I'll skip the obvious joke here), and gathering up anything else I need to take with me to work.  Inevitably, it usually looks more like I am going on a camp-out than to the office.  This morning was no exception and, after coughing through much of the night, I was not at the peak of my mental sharpness.  So it was no surprise when I got to work and found I'd forgotten my work and home cell phones, as well as my cough medicine and tissues.  

Happy Monday.  I figured it wouldn't hurt me to go a day without my cell phones.  In fact, it might even be a treat, or at least a good life lesson about priorities.  The medicine and tissues were another story, although that could be resolved with a trip to the drug store five minutes from work.  I decided to see how long I could tough it out.  Fortunately I didn't have to find out, because my patient, long-suffering husband saved the day.  He arrived at my office late morning with an armload of my forgotten goodies.  Potential crisis averted.  Sorry, ladies, he's taken.

You'll all be relieved to know that I finally unpacked my boxes today.  (Other than those that do not need to be unpacked.  You know, the ones with the files I need to access about once every three years.  But when I need them, I really need them.) My office looked as good today as it will ever look, so I did my best to savor it for awhile.  And it will be clean for at least one more day.  Because I am off for the holiday tomorrow.  All bets are off on Wednesday, though.

Today was the last "convertible weather" day in the 10-day forecast, so I rode to work with the top down again.  Better get my money's worth while I can.  (Of course, this might also explain why I can't shake this infection...)  When I left work, I learned another thing about my car, or at least about convertibles in general.  Don't leave the top down all day when roof repairs are being done on the building next door.  I came out to find the entire cabin of my car covered in a heavy layer of white dust from the foam being cut nearby.  (I guess it could have been worse, because I smelled tar.)  It looked like a cross between a white Christmas and Pompeii.  Guess my first errand tomorrow will be a trip to the car wash.

My foot pain level is steadily increasing - I am now consistently at a 3-4, with spikes up to 5.  Enough that it is starting to be distracting again.  I am also starting to notice a little discoloration again, although nothing like it looked pre-implant.  Looking forward to my appointment tomorrow.  I'd like to nip this in the bud.  Or at least in mid-bloom.

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