Tuesday, November 25, 2014

11/25/14. The post where lanes are closed.

11/25/14: my foot wasn't any better in the night, but it also wasn't any worse.  It was cold enough this morning that I didn't want to walk outside, so I rode my bike on the trainer instead.  I needed to make a trip to the grocery store at lunchtime, so I wore a comfortable pair of loafers and an uncomfortable pair of pants to work.  At least they kept me on my diet.  There's no way I could have overeaten in them.  Come to think of it, maybe I should have packed them for Thanksgiving.

Traffic was really light yesterday and I figured a lot of people were taking the day off work, so I was surprised when everything came to a sudden stop.  At least, I was surprised until I saw the "left lane closed" sign.  It looked like some kind of utility work. It's a good thing a lot of people had taken the day off, or traffic would have been even more snarled up than it was.  It's also one of those days I'm glad I bought a car with an automatic transmission this time.  I don't think I would have been up to that kind of clutch work today.

I was dreading my grocery store trip, so I left a little before lunchtime.  And I'm glad I did.  Because a lane was closed.  This time, a traffic light was out and an officer was directing traffic.  When I finally made it to the store, it was actually not that crowded.  Maybe because traffic was so bad no one could get there.

I finished up at work and came home to start packing.  My patient, long-suffering husband had a meeting at church tonight, so we knew we'd be getting a late start.  A late night drive was probably our only chance of staying out of holiday traffic, so we didn't mind.  (The three hour trip to my parents' house regularly turns into a five to six hour drive on Thanksgiving weekend, so you have to plan carefully.)  As soon as he got home, we loaded up the car and got on the freeway.  To find one of the lanes closed.  Of course.  Fortunately it didn't last long and things quickly started moving again.  

I was able to get an appointment for Monday morning to have my stimulator updated.  Until then, I'll keep rotating between existing programs and amplitudes and hope this flare-up disappears as quickly as it came.  I'm writing this on the road while my patient, long-suffering husband drives.  Here's hoping for no more closed lanes. 

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