Wednesday, November 26, 2014

11/26/14. The post where I enjoy a day with family.

11/26/14: we got in very late last night, but Mom and Dad were waiting up for us.  After chatting a little, we all went to bed, but not before I was reminded that daddies never quit being daddies.  He said he would take my suitcase upstairs and I replied that I could do it as I picked up the handle.  He gave me a look that I probably haven't seen since I was three years old and said, "Valerie Anne, do you read your own blog?"  Uh, oh, when the middle name comes out, he means business.  I dropped the handle and let him take the suitcase upstairs.

Today was a really nice day.  One of my brothers lives halfway across the country, and he and his wife had braved the airport on Monday with their two-year old and eight-month old, so we got to spend the day visiting and playing with the kids while we cooked.  We don't get to see the kids very often and they were a little shy at first, but they quickly remembered us, or at least decided we were okay.  The two-year old got a little rambunctious this morning and got sent to "time out", which we learned was not as effective as his parents probably hoped, because when Mom (his grandma) entered the room, he proudly exclaimed, "I'm in time out!"  Being the aunt often means stifling laughter (with varying degrees of success) at inappropriate times.  I am not a good influence.

I made three pies this afternoon and my foot behaved remarkably well, all things considering.  It was a little discolored after the pie-making episode, but quickly returned to normal after I sat for awhile, and it stayed in the 4-5 range all day.  I changed stimulator programs again today, but I actually turned the amplitude down a little since I was feeling better.  Sometimes the combination of pain and heavy vibrations gets a little overwhelming, so the lower I can keep it, the better.

We spent the evening with family, including our other brother, his wife, their two kids (one of whom was home from college), my aunt, and her friend.  We ate entirely too much for a pre-Thanksgiving meal.  Maybe it will keep me from overeating tomorrow. I doubt it, though.  Some of us are walking in a 5K in the morning, which makes me feel slightly less guilty, but only slightly.  I don't know if I will check in tomorrow, so I will wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving.  Enjoy your time with loved ones and remember all the things for which you are thankful.  

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