Tuesday, November 4, 2014

11/4/14. The post where I have a wardrobe malfunction.

11/4/14: still feeling pretty poorly this morning, but I got up and went to vote before work.  I stood in line for almost 40 minutes to vote.  And you know what?  It didn't bother me a bit.  I would be perfectly happy if there were long lines at every election.   

I got to work and had a fairly quiet day in the office.  It gave me a chance to admire my shoes.  I've been trying to wear as many different pairs of shoes as possible since my surgery and I had on a particularly cute pair today.  

In fact, several people in line at the poll complimented them, as well as a few co-workers.  I probably hadn't worn them in almost two years, and before today I'd only worn them a few times.  So I was surprised when I walked down the hall at work and started having trouble staying upright.  Maybe the soles weren't sufficiently scuffed?  A survey of the bottom of my shoe quickly revealed the issue.  

In case any of you are not aware, womens' dress shoes are supposed to have heel caps.  And I feel certain these shoes had heel caps when I bought them.  But the other shoe was just as bad.  The fact that I was walking on two nails on a tile floor might explain my balance trouble.  In fact, now I am impressed by my balance.  (Not enough to walk a tightrope between skyscrapers while blindfolded, mind you.)  Apparently I need to check my shoes a little more thoroughly each morning before I leave the house.

I made the discovery mid-morning, which meant I had to make it through the rest of the work day in my rickety shoes.  I stayed safely on carpet as much as possible and walked on the balls of my feet to avoid any mishaps.  I made it home without injury and enjoyed a nice, quiet evening alone with my patient, long-suffering husband for the first time in weeks.  

I still haven't called about setting up a new program for my stimulator, but I resolve to do it tomorrow.  Right after I inspect my shoes to make sure they are intact.

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