Wednesday, June 4, 2014

6/4/14. The post where I kick it into overdrive.

6/4/14:  here's where I have a fundamental disagreement with my health monitor.  Last night, I had crazy dreams all night long and woke up feeling mentally exhausted.  However, I got a 92% sleep score because I got an unusually high amount of REM sleep.  REM sleep is the sleep cycle where your mind processes information and sorts out memories (which occurs through dreaming).  Maybe in the long term it is good for your memory and mental state.  But to me, it just felt like I had stayed awake all night watching really bizarre movies.  

My brain may have been a little scrambled, but my foot was in pretty good shape - about a 4.  And it stayed that way all through the morning.  While I was concerned about both my work and trip to-do lists, I kicked it into super-human gear and accomplished a bunch of things on both lists.  I got enough done that even if I don't get anything done tomorrow, I could probably still manage to get on the plane with no regrets.  Well, we are talking about me, so there would be regrets.  But not valid ones.

My patient, long-suffering husband and I made a quick trip to our favorite sushi place to celebrate our anniversary.  Our real celebration will come during our vacation.  Looking forward to it, and to telling you about it.  After dinner, we came home and opened a really good bottle of wine with our house guests to celebrate the completion of their new home.  An important day for everyone!

The afternoon and evening were not quite as good for my foot. Quite a bit of redness and up to a 6.  Strange (and awesome) how in a few short weeks, a 6 can go from being a good day to being a bad day.  Here's hoping a 6 never becomes a good day again.

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