Monday, January 13, 2014

1/13/14. The post where I go back to work.

January 13, 2014: Just got home from work.  Which means I went to work.  Score!  While the concept of working from home is attractive in theory, it's mentally and emotionally uplifting to be able to make a distinction between "work" and "home."  It's also nice to have some human interaction.  (Or as a co-worker jokingly put it, "semi-human interaction.")  It was physically and mentally draining, but worth it.  I believe I'll try it again tomorrow.

My right foot is as swollen as I've ever seen it after wearing a shoe all day.  My patient and long-suffering husband just told me it looks like a sausage.  (I'm pretty sure he means that as a compliment.)  I will spare you the horror of a photo - instead, just imagine me with a sausage in place of my right leg.  On second thought, maybe you would have preferred a photo.

I'm still not noticing anything but side effects as a result of taking the Lyrica, but I'm still optimistic.  It's only been five days, and I double the dosage on Wednesday night, which I hope will cause some improvement without doubling the side effects.

Short post tonight, because I am going to handbell practice.  Yes, I play handbells.  You want to make something of it?  Don't mess with a handbell-playing, sausage-legged, blurry-eyed, chocolate-covered pretzels for breakfast-eating, muumuu-wearing, dry-mouthed, incoherently rambling zombie.

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