Wednesday, January 15, 2014

1/15/14. The post where I talk about coping strategies.

January 15, 2014:  I slept with my foot elevated on a wedge pillow and by this morning the swelling had gone down.  Started the morning at about an 8, but by the time I left for work, I had convinced myself it was down to a 7.  The power of positive thinking?  Side effects from the medication are almost completely gone, and no traffic jam this morning, which was a relief.  And any day that I get to laugh with Mom on the phone is a good day.

I've done a couple of things this week that tell me I am not myself.  First, yesterday I purposely wore shoes that were inappropriate for the season.  Most of you know I am a stickler for fashion etiquette to the point of obsession.  Last week, I bought a pair of patent leather wingtips that are almost identical to a pair I had in high school.  I intended to save them for patent leather season, but yesterday I decided to throw caution to the wind and wear them to work.  And you know what?  The world did not come to an end.  Although I think co-workers may have been secretly judging me.

Second, I nearly forgot a haircut appointment today.  In my defense, it was not at my "normal" time.  And my technology totally failed me.  Hey, Google calendar reminder, seven minutes after an appointment is not the same as 15 minutes before the appointment.  But usually, the calendar reminder is an unnecessary backup to the steel trap in my head that remembers everything from the lyrics to every song I knew in the 70s to my schedule for the next three months.  Fortunately, I work five minutes from my hair salon, and my wonderful hair stylist is very understanding.  (The fact that she has cut my hair for so many years she could do it in her sleep came in handy and kept her schedule intact, I hope.)

It's becoming obvious to me that I don't have my A game right now.  If this is going to be a long-term thing, I am going to have to come up with a better coping strategy than "Sorry, Miss Whiny-Pants, but you are getting out of bed and going to work."  On the other hand, it's also becoming obvious to me that it's okay if I don't always have my A game.  Life goes on.  Even if my co-workers are secretly judging me.

Back up to at least an 8 tonight and foot is swollen again.  I think I'll call it a day.  I double my medication tonight, so keep your fingers crossed that the zombie doesn't make a reappearance...

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