Sunday, November 16, 2014

11/16/14. The post where I rest.

11/16/14: before I went to sleep last night, I passed from the "afraid I might die" part of the virus to the "wishing I would die and get it over with" part.  You've all been there - you know what I mean.  I woke up this morning feeling significantly better.  It's amazing what 11 hours of sleep will do.  My fever was almost completely gone and I was much less achy.  My stomach was still adamant that it did not want any visitors and I obliged for the most part.  Today's nutrition included Sprite, a few saltines, and a piece of toast.  Or rather, about 3/4 of a piece of toast.  That's as far as I got before my stomach gently reminded me of the no visitors policy.

I spent the day rotating between resting and doing some easy chores around the house.  Besides missing church, I had to cancel afternoon plans with friends.  It was another cold, drizzly day, and it would have been great to have a free day at home if I'd felt better.  And if my patient, long-suffering husband had been home to keep me company.  But he had to travel today for a concert, so I settled for my stereo, books, and social media for company.  Probably for the best - less chance of passing it to him.  And I wouldn't wish this on anyone, especially him.

I've left the stimulator turned down pretty low, because it really seemed to exacerbate my symptoms.  My foot definitely feels worse with the volume low, but it is bearable and right now it is the better option.  Hoping things continue to improve, because tomorrow is my only day in the office before a work trip.  It is a training trip I've already had to postpone twice and I am adamant that I am not going to cancel again.  Almost as adamant as my stomach is right now about the no visitors policy.  Time will tell who wins this battle of wills. 

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