Thursday, November 6, 2014

11/6/14. The post where I narrowly avoid a third wardrobe malfunction.

11/6/14: I'm starting to get the hang of sleeping sitting up.  At least my health monitor thinks so.  I got a 98% sleep score, although my neck and hips might disagree.  I felt like I was starting to turn the corner with respect to my sinus issues and I had enough of a voice that I thought I could get through my final two classes today.

I was very careful with my outfit this morning.  Shoes with intact heel caps?  Check.  Comfy dress with plenty of breathing room?  Check.  Matching jewelry?  Ummmm...rats.  I combed through my carefully organized jewelry box with no luck.  How could I lose a matching necklace and earrings?  And how could I wear my dress without the jewelry?  (Yes, I know.  I have at least a dozen other sets of jewelry that would match the dress.  But this quickly became a quest.)  I sat down and tried to think it through.  I had packed the jewelry for my recent trip, so I checked my luggage.  No dice.  Then I remembered wearing it to work last week on a day I had rehearsal.  So I checked the small bag where I put my jewelry on rehearsal days.  Strike two.  I tore my purse apart, opening every nook and cranny that could possibly hold jewelry.  Sigh.

I went back upstairs to change clothes.  Because at this point, the dress would just remind me of the lost jewelry.  As looked for another outfit, I suddenly had an epiphany.  I checked the athletic bag I use to transport my rehearsal clothes, which contained a small zipper pocket I would swear I had never seen before.  And guess what was inside?  While I was relieved to find the jewelry, I was also a little concerned that I had no recollection of storing it in a place I didn't even recall existed.  I'm no longer on any prescription medication, so I have no excuse.  Welcome to the next forty years.

I made it through both classes at work, although I coughed through the last half of the afternoon class, which I suspect was as annoying to my students as it was to me.  I also got some preliminary cleanup work done in my office so I can start unpacking in earnest tomorrow.  And this time I mean it.  I had a lovely evening catching up with good friends and at the end of the night, my patient, long-suffering husband made me another hot toddy.  I could get used to that.  

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