Friday, December 26, 2014

12/26/14. The post where we reach our destination.

12/26/14: I woke up way too early again this morning, even earlier than usual because we had moved to a different time zone.  My patient, long-suffering husband didn't have any better luck sleeping, so we got up and made an early getaway.  And as a result, we got to see snow.  Snow is not a usual sight for us, nor was it expected where we were, so it felt like a special treat.  Fortunately, it was not cold enough for the freeway to ice over, so we were on our way with no trouble.  Within an hour, we were out of the snow and it was a beautiful, although cold, day.  

Since we were making such good time, we decided to make an unscheduled stop at a tourist site on the way to our destination.  Boy, was it interesting, and not necessarily in a good way.  It was the site of an American historical event, but it had been turned into more of a theme park, and not a classy, Disney-type theme park.  As my patient, long-suffering husband commented, the work force appeared to be made up of carnies and convicts.  And the tourists were only slightly more savory.  After looking around a bit and buying tickets for a really schlocky reenactment of the event, we spent an hour looking for a restaurant with empty seats and then another hour waiting for our food to arrive.  On the bright side, it gave us an opportunity for some excellent people-watching.

We got back on the road and made it to our destination by late afternoon, a resort which was much less crowded and more serene than our unscheduled detour.  We spent the rest of the day enjoying the quiet and then had a nice meal at the resort before retiring for an early bedtime.  We are determined to catch up on sleep before the trip is over.  

I had the brilliant idea to turn down the amplitude on my stimulator this morning since my foot was feeling better.  By mid-afternoon, I turned it back up again.  Perhaps I'd been a little hasty.  But in comparison to the last year, or even the last month, I'd say I'm getting along pretty well.  

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