Tuesday, March 24, 2015

3/24/15. The post where I get a pleasant surprise.

3/24/15: back in the groove of walking every morning.  While my foot is still not sure what it thinks about this turn of events, the rest of me is enjoying it quite a bit.  Looks like the weather will hold for the rest of the week, which means there is a good chance I can put in a full week of walking for the first time since my surgery last September.  On my old hilly route, at my old quick pace.  Just like the old days.  Never thought I'd be so excited to use the word "old" so many times.  But it feels like a big deal.

Another legislative workgroup meeting today, which meant another search for a suit that fits.  Which usually ends in about five skirts and pairs of pants strewn on the closet floor and a renewed vow to stay on my diet.  With the change in weather, my search focused on spring suits for the first time in a while.  And I got a pleasant surprise.

I found a really cute suit that I had no recollection of having purchased, let alone having worn previously.  But clearly I must have purchased and worn it, because there it hung in my closet with dry cleaning tags attached.  So I closed my eyes, held my breath, and tried it on.  Score!  It fit perfectly, which would not have been the case even two weeks ago.  And even better, I was able to wear a matching pair of heels that I probably haven't been able to wear in a year and a half.  The day was a success before I even left the house.

After work, I stopped by to visit some friends who were taste-testing champagne for their upcoming wedding.  Because that's the kind of friend I am.  Always trying to help others.  Especially when it involves sampling champagne.  Then it was off to acting class for the rest of the evening.  Here's hoping tomorrow is as good a day.  Cheers.

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