Tuesday, March 3, 2015

3/3/15. The post where my day ended better than it started.

3/3/15:  true to my word, I got up this morning, quit whining, and got moving.  Which doesn't mean I was happy about it.  My foot was miserable and my ears were still ringing, but not so much that I couldn't hear my inner voice begging me to get back in bed.  

The day did not improve when I got to work.  I had to make a day trip with a colleague out to tour a property owned by my employer, where we spent a couple of hours slogging through the mud on a cold, wet, foggy day.  Thank goodness for warm rain boots.  Not one of my more glamorous days.

Late this afternoon, my mom got the results of her latest round of medical testing, and while it wasn't terrible news, it wasn't quite as great as we'd hoped, which means more testing and procedures.  It's been nearly a year since she was first diagnosed, and boy, has she come a long way.  The next round will be a breeze compared to what she's been through, but I'd just as soon she didn't have to go through it anyway.

After I got home from work, I got the sad news that a former boss of mine passed away today.  He retired nearly 15 years ago, but I still saw him fairly regularly at retirement and other work-related functions and I was not expecting the news.  A crappy end to a crappy day.  Except the day wasn't over yet.  I still had acting class.  And my inner voice chimed in again, telling me to skip class and go straight to bed.

It's a good thing I rarely listen to my inner voice.  Class was phenomenal and I had what my acting coach called "a breakthrough."  Is is too early to start shopping for gowns to wear next year to the Academy Awards?

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