Monday, July 14, 2014

7/14/14. The post where it feels like Monday.

7/14/14: another fitful night, but I got up with the alarm this morning and got ready to take a walk.  It would not be a real walk like the ones I took last week, but I thought my foot might feel better with a little movement.  I took a few laps around the block at a very slow pace.  No luck.  I kept slowing down until I was moving at a glacial pace, but it still didn't feel any better.  By the time I gave up and went back inside, I felt like I was going to be sick to my stomach.  Whether it was because of the foot pain or nausea from the medication, I don't know, but I decided it would be a good idea to lie down for a bit.  

And it was.  I fell asleep for awhile and when I woke up, my stomach and my foot both felt slightly better.  Good enough for me to finish getting ready and go to work, at least.  As I was packing my lunch, I happened to look out the front window and saw a huge moving truck parked in front of my house, completely blocking my driveway.  Great.  I carefully considered my options: a) take out my frustration on the driver, or b) go back to bed again and give up on the day.  I settled on option "a" and finished packing my lunch.  I gathered my things and went out into the garage, ready to cause a scene.  Luckily for the driver, as my garage door was going up, he was closing the back door of the truck and getting into the driver's seat.  By the time I loaded my things in the car and started my engine, he was gone.  He probably has no idea how close he came to having a very bad day.

As I pulled out of the garage, I heard a beeping sound and suddenly remembered I was almost out of gas.  When I made the trip home from my parents' house on Friday, I knew I had just enough gas to make it.  My plan had been to fill up on the way to church Sunday, but my foot had other plans.  My gauge read 21 miles to empty - enough to easily make it to work.  After about 100 yards, it suddenly dropped to 19 miles, then 18.  This was not the day to take a chance, so I stopped to fill up.  

Eventually I made it to work, still in a lot of pain and feeling puny.  I wasn't very good company most of the day, but gradually started feeling better as the afternoon wore on.  This evening, I'm still in the 6.5-7 range, but I'm feeling a little more optimistic.  Is it Thursday yet?

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