Wednesday, July 30, 2014

7/30/14. The post where I have a good, noisy day.

7/30/14: woke up feeling okay this morning and took another slow walk.  That seems to be doing the trick, at least this week.  I was particularly productive at work this morning, doing some analytical work I hadn't felt up to doing for the last few days.  This was despite all the racket going on outside my office.

Apparently my employer decided to be productive today as well.  For much of the morning, someone was in the hall outside my office with an industrial-strength vacuum, eliminating every last trace of dust on every floor, wall, and piece of furniture in the tri-county area.  While I'm happy to be working in a lint-free environment, it would also be nice to work in a noise-free environment.

After Mr. Vacuum took his implement of ear drum destruction to another part of the office, it was relatively quiet for awhile.  Then about 30 minutes before I needed to leave for my property tax hearing, there was suddenly a loud rumbling noise and then high-pitched beeping.  I looked outside my office window and saw this:
In case you are wondering, that's my green MINI underneath the crane.  So not only was there a lot of noise right outside my office, there was also a large piece of machinery blocking my car from leaving.  A large piece of machinery that might crash down on top of my car.  I became a little less productive at this point and focused my attention out the window.  I'm not quite sure what was going on up on the roof, but it went on for quite awhile with a lot of maneuvering, which of course required loud beeping.

Fortunately, the crane drove away a few minutes before I needed to leave.  I went to my property tax hearing, which could not have gone better.  I had to wait for about 45 minutes in a room full of grumpy complainers.  But once I was called in, I spoke with a very professional, friendly appraiser, who looked at the documentation I brought and immediately found the error.  She corrected the square footage in their database and gave me my new home appraisal value, which should decrease my property taxes by about ten percent.  It was a good experience, but one I hope not to have to repeat in the future.

Afterward it was back to work for awhile, a haircut (extra sassy, please!), then out for a fun dinner get-together with our choir friends.  I did pretty well all day and evening.  I don't think I ever got over a 6, and I spent much of the day at a 4.  I think I'm back in a pretty good groove again.  Now I just have to get the ringing out of my ears.

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