Thursday, July 31, 2014

7/31/14. The post where I am reminded to save money.

7/31/14: woke up feeling pretty rotten this morning.  When my alarm went off, I wanted to roll over and go back to sleep, but my foot was throbbing so much I doubted that was possible.  So I compromised with myself.  I agreed that if I would let myself lie there for a few minutes, I would get up and take an abbreviated walk.  And I did.  It worked out well and I felt a little better after my walk.

I went to work and felt pretty well all day.  I'd call it a 4-5 kind of day.  I left work early for a meeting with my financial advisor.  I like to be reminded every six months or so that I have no money and I need to save so I don't die on the street.  It is very effective motivation.  The kind of motivation that requires me to have a drink afterward.

So I went to visit some very close friends who have just bought a house nearby.  They are still moving in, but their bar is always open for business.  One of the many reasons I love them so much.  We had a lovely time chatting and I forgot all about my meeting.  Feeling refreshed, I met my patient, long-suffering husband for a brief dinner and returned with him to church, where he and some volunteers were rewiring the building for a new sound system.  Not exactly in his job description, but he is a standup guy who wants to make sure everything is done correctly.  One of the many reasons I love him so much.  I gave him some support (mostly of the moral variety) and made sure he got home before midnight (barely).  

I had a brief period where the bottom of my foot started to turn purple and get into the 6-7 range pain, but it passed pretty quickly.  Looking forward to a pretty low-key work day tomorrow and then a visit from my niece, who is in state for the summer from college.  36 days and counting...

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