Saturday, September 27, 2014

9/27/14. The post where I bonk.

 9/27/14: Friday morning (yesterday) I woke up pretty tired after another short night of sleep, but excited to have made it to the end of the work week.  It was casual Friday, so of course, I wore my casual Friday shoes.

To celebrate the weekend, we went to a wine-tasting event with friends.  I offered to be the designated driver since I am finally well enough to drive and I owe favors to just about everyone I know right now.  I drive a MINI, so going anywhere with another couple always looks a little like a clown car at the circus, but fortunately it wasn't a very long drive.  When we got to the event, I had to check my invitation again to make sure it was a wine-tasting and not a speed-dating event.  My friend and I were not showing nearly enough cleavage to fit in with the crowd.  The wines were only average, but the people-watching was fantastic.  

Afterward, we had a delicious dinner at a local Italian restaurant, run by an Italian family, which meant we got to practice our language skills a little.  I don't think they were terribly impressed, but they were polite enough to pretend.  At the end of the evening, we dropped off our friends and drove home, where I thought I was going to write my blog and watch the end of a baseball game.  But instead, I bonked.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with that term, I assure you it is nothing inappropriate for a public blog.  "Bonking" is a term used in cycling (and probably other sports as well) to describe your body shutting down and becoming completely uncooperative, seemingly without warning.  It usually happens when a cyclist rides too hard without enough calories or hydration.  But it also appropriately describes what happens when someone who had surgery three weeks ago spends 17 hours in action after about six hours of sleep.  

As I went upstairs to change clothes, I suddenly realized my night was over.  I wanted to curl up on the landing and rest for awhile, but I managed to drag myself into bed and slept for about nine hours.  I felt much better this morning and was able to have a pretty active day, which included a thorough cleaning and reorganization of the kitchen pantry.  Just another day in my rock 'n roll life.  I plan to get to bed earlier tonight.  I'm not as young as I used to be - I can only bonk once a weekend these days.

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