Tuesday, January 20, 2015

1/20/15. The post where I try acting again.

1/20/15:  the morning started off better.  My foot was behaving a little more and my patient, long-suffering husband's fever was down.  I left him at home to rest and headed off to work.  It was a Tuesday that felt like a Monday, but a pretty good Monday.  No major disasters at work.

I knew it was going to be a long day.  Tonight was acting class, where we were filming the scenes we started last week.  And you know how that went.  My acting partner and I had difficulty syncing our calendars, so our plan was to get together an hour before class to rehearse.  About halfway through the day, I got a frantic text.  Our coach had scheduled another read-through for him the hour before class, so could I meet two hours before class instead?  Okay, I can do this.  Part of this class is about being patient and flexible.  I could go straight there from work, then go home for a wardrobe change and dinner before returning for class.  

At least, that was the plan.  I got to the classroom and after waiting about 20 minutes got another frantic text.  My acting partner was stuck downtown in a horrendous traffic jam (which is becoming the norm these days in our city) and would not be there in time.  I agreed to be there a little early for class just in case they got a big enough break between the read-through and class for a quick rehearsal.  So I hightailed it home for a quick snack, checkup on my ailing patient, long-suffering husband, and makeup touch-up.  I was glad I had chosen a scene in which my work clothes would be appropriate.

I made it back at the appointed time, but my acting partner did not get a break.  I had just enough time to go over my lines a few times...and then accidentally lock myself out of the building.  Or more accurately, lock myself in between buildings.  It's a long story and difficult to explain.  Let's just say it's a good thing someone was wandering around where they shouldn't have been and I am a loud knocker.  So, I was off to a great start. I hoped the comedy of errors didn't continue.

And it didn't.  The scene went well and everyone was very complimentary.  Maybe I can do this after all.  I was right about it being a long day and I was glad to be home and finally out of my heels after about 16 hours.  But, you know what? I couldn't have done that six months ago.  And while my foot didn't feel great, it was better than last night.  Go figure. 

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