Thursday, January 8, 2015

1/8/15. The post where I have a night off.

1/8/15: not enough sleep last night, but I had a pretty good day.  Near the end of the day, everyone at work started to panic about the incoming cold front.  It is supposed to be in the 20s tomorrow with a chance of precipitation.  Not the end of the world, but you wouldn't know that to hear people talking.  I told my patient, long-suffering husband I would make dinner tonight since he has been cooking all week.  This meant I went to the grocery store after work with a crowd of people preparing for Armageddon.  And of course, I got a little caught up in the madness. So I bought some extra supplies, just in case we are iced in tomorrow. And for the next month.

We had a rare night together with no plans, and it was wonderful.  I made a simple dinner and we watched a movie.  I know, that doesn't sound particularly interesting, but to us, it was a big deal. I have to admit that I am secretly hoping for ice tomorrow, because I'm not looking forward to getting out in the cold.  Tonight, my foot is already starting to notice the cold front.  Wish me luck...

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