Monday, October 13, 2014

10/13/14. The post where my office is a wreck.

10/13/14: in the first week of returning to my walk, I have shaved more than a minute off my time, which is much better than I expected.  At this rate, I should be back to my old time within a month.  I'm still about two weeks away from being cleared to ride the bike again, but I'm hoping it goes as well as the walking has.

On my way to work this morning, I remembered what would be waiting for me when I arrived.  A big mess.  I had new wallpaper installed in my office over the weekend, which meant all of its contents had to be packed up and removed.  After 20 years with the same employer, I've accumulated quite a bit of stuff, so this was no mean feat.  I had assistance, but it still took much of the afternoon to empty the office.  And now I have to do it all in reverse.  Unfortunately, my dance card was quite a bit more full today.  I got my computer set up so I could get some work done, but that's about all the office set up I had time to do today.  So I worked in a sea of boxes.  I'm hoping I'll have a little more time tomorrow to get things back in order.  That may be unlikely, though, since I'm having my stitches removed in the morning.  I may have to get used to the boxes, at least for the next week.

I spent the evening at handbell rehearsal, then doing laundry and looking at cars on the Internet.  No word yet on whether I will have anything to trade in, but I'm still hopeful.  My foot's been kind of fussy all day, but it still feels loads better than before the stimulator.  And speaking of the stimulator, a friend forwarded this article about spinal cord stimulators being used to help people with spinal cord injuries regain the use of their limbs.  We live in an amazing world, don't we?

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