Saturday, October 4, 2014

10/4/14. The post where I waste a perfectly good fall day.

10/4/14.  A long night's sleep, but long doesn't always equal good.  I guess my mind was wound up, because I spent much of the night dreaming, as verified by my health monitor this morning.  As a result, I woke up a little out of sorts and stayed that way all day.

I went for a long mid-morning walk and saw a lot more people than I do during my early morning weekday walks.  And everyone was happy.  It was a beautiful, sunny fall day and everyone I saw seemed to be taking advantage of it.  There were a lot of outdoor activities in town this weekend, so besides the normal joggers and cyclists, I saw adults pulling coolers and holding bags full of goodies, kids chasing each other around wearing soccer uniforms and football jerseys. It was the perfect day to spend out on a deck somewhere, watching college football or just hanging out with friends.  So what did I do?

Laundry.  Errands.  Dishes.  A trip to the grocery store.  Chores.  I did take a break in the afternoon to watch part of my college team's lethargic football loss.  Then I got really wild and crazy and cleaned out my closet.  Maybe not the best use of this particular day, but they were all things that needed to be done.  And now they are done.  And who knows?  Tomorrow is also forecast to be a pretty day.  Maybe I will take advantage of it.  Although my sock drawer does need to be rearranged...

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