Saturday, October 18, 2014

10/18/14. The post where I enjoy doing nothing.

10/18/14:  we are in a place that prides itself on getting people to slow down and enjoy doing nothing. And I am a rule follower.  I took a long walk this morning, snapping lots of photos along the way.  The rest of the day was about hanging out.  And eating.  We did play some cards and take a walk around the neighborhood, just to feel productive.  It was a beautiful day, so we did a lot of our nothing outside.  I found out today that my patient, long-suffering husband can juggle, because...of course, he can.    

We capped off the day by spending a little time in the crisp evening air looking at a bazillion stars.  There were so many stars visible that it was almost impossible to pick out any constellations.  (Not that I can pick out many constellations on any given night, but I usually have a few up my sleeve.)  My foot was a little attention-starved and acted up a bit tonight, but I turned up the volume on my generator and then ignored it.  

Tomorrow is our trip back home, but we intend to make it a leisurely day, with lots of fun stops along the way.  I'm not anxious to get back to the real world, where a broken down car and a whole host of obligations await me.  It's been a nice break and I'll try to carry a little of this good feeling back with me to get me through the next week.

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